This Venezuelan banknote represent the 6th denomination of the Bolívar Fuerte Series (2016). The 20,000 Bolívar Fuerte note (20000 BsF) was printed from August 18, 2016 to December 13, 2017. This particular note was produced during the 13 December 2017 printing run. Which coincided with the final printing of all Bolívar Fuerte, from 5,000 to 100,000 (5000-100000 BsF).
Rampant hyperinflation has caused all Bolívar Fuerte denominations to be retired. Including its successor, the Bolívar Soberano (2018). Which currently (2020) has been retired up to it's final denomination, the 500 Bolívar Soberano (500 Bs.F.).
Despite this, retired Venezuelan Bolívar have found a new home. As an easily affordable item for beginning/young collectors. These collectors often become attracted, by the colorful illustrations of Venezuela’s wildlife. Creating decorative displays, with the reverse side out. In honor of that tradition, this note will be reviewed reverse first.

The Reverse features endangered Red Siskins, also known as "Cardenalitos" in Venezuelan Spanish. They were once common sight in the 1900s, living in the foothills of northern Venezuela. They've now become extremely rare and live in a fragmented range.
The total world population of Red Siskin is believed to be between 600-6,000 pairs. They can be spotted around their 2 matting seasons. Which spans from April-early June and between Nov-Dec.
The Siskin make their nests near forest edges and grasslands with trees or shrubs. The nests are cup-shaped and made of grass. On average, a female siskin lays between 2 and 3 greenish-white eggs.
When not nesting, Red Siskin are semi-nomadic, occasionally forming flocks in search of seeds. Male siskins are mostly deep red, with black heads, throats, and feather tips. While female siskins are gray, with a red rumps and upper tails. Some hope has been given to conservation efforts. As in 2003 a population of several thousand birds was discovered, in southern Guyana. Surprisingly this discovery was made 1000 km (620 mi) away from any previously known colony.
Waraira Repano
The note's background is an illustration of Waraira Repano National Park. More commonly known as El Ávila and colloquially as "el pulmón de la ciudad", the Lungs of the City. Established in 1958, El Ávila overlooks the Venezuelan capital, Caracas. El Ávila provides a nearby escape from city life, for the residents of Caracas.
Its mountainous forest and valleys are home to more than 100 butterfly, 120 mammal, 20 amphibians, 30 reptiles and 500 bird species. Jaguars were once relatively common, although have been reduced to the more isolated sections of the park.
El Ávila provides visitors dozens of trails of varying skill levels. Allowing visitors to choose an experience appropriate to their preferences. A number attractions are spread throughout the park, including villages, ruins, waterfalls, and monuments.
Including the longest cable car ride in the world, El Teleférico de Caracas. Which provides a 3.5km (2.17mi) long tram ride to El Ávila Mountain's peak. A round trip costs 100 Bs for Venezuelans and 110 Bs for non-Venezuelans. Tickets are bought at Hotel Humboldt station.

The vertical observe features Venezuelan independence leader Simón Bolívar (1783-1830). Who successful lead Bolivarian independence movement against the Spanish Empire. Leading to the formation of the modern nations of Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama. Simón Bolívar is the arch member of the Panteón Nacional de Venezuela (National Pantheon of Venezuela). As the hero of the Venezuelan War of Independence (1810-1823).
Despite the low value of the Bolívar Fuerte, the series utilizes numerous security measures. Both visible and virtually hidden. The Fuerte series alternates between standard and window security strips, throughout it's denominations. This denomination utilizes a windowed security strip. The strip displays "BCV" in sequence. Every 2nd and 3nd instance of “BCV” is mirrored. There is alternating jeweled segments running throughout the strip.The 2 segmented "circles" above the (red) serial number, is a denomination designator. Which alternates between the denominations within the series. There is a 2-color light puzzle, below the (black) serial number. Pink (observe) and off-red (reverse) segments merge, when back lit. Highlighting a Red Siskin and star.

The near entirety of the note is covered in alternating lines and micro-print patterns. Where present the micro-text reads “BCV100”, in sequence. The pattern repeats on all denominations, with the exception of the number (listed denomination). Below the observe's portrait is a looping pattern. With a large micro-print patterned “BCV”.
The watermark features Simón Bolívar, as seen on the note's observe. Below the watermark is an electro-typed text "20000". Unfortunately the color pallet and erratic micro-print lines makes capturing the watermark difficult. Although it can be readily seen, in physical copies of the note.
UV Gallery
Bolívar Fuerte Gallery (Observe)
(Gallery features all observe sides of the Bolívar Fuerte)
Bolívar Fuerte Gallery (Reverse)
(Gallery features all reverse sides of the Bolívar Fuerte)
Additional Notes
The note's observe is a copy of Rita Matilde de la Peñuela's portrait, El Libertador.
El Libertador is on display at the Central Bank of Venezuela's Art Collection.
Bolivar remains are entombed in a bronze sarcophagus, at the National Pantheon of Venezuela.
The National Pantheon of Venezuela was established on 27 March 1874, from the rebuilt ruins of a Spanish church.
Bolivar remains are entombed in a bronze sarcophagus, which serves as the National Pantheon's alter. The other national heroes' are interned along the church's aisles.
The national pantheon's vault is covered with paintings depicting various scenes from Bolívar's life and exploits.
At the height of his reign General Bolivar ruled territory from the Caribbean Sea to the Argentinian border.
General Bolivar traveled more than 70,000 km (43495 mi) on horseback, while on campaign. Three times further than Napoleon and twice as far as Alexander the Great.