This large polymer fantasy note represents the 1st denomination of Antarctic Dollar (Series 2015). The notes were printed by the British American Banknote Company. On the behalf of the Antarctica Overseas Exchange Office LTD. Which was founded in 1996, by D. J. Hamilton to promote awareness of Antarctic scientific expeditions. And as a novel means of fundraising.
This fundraising system is based on the principle the notes are sold, equal to their US Dollar face value. Although similar to bonds, the notes are stated as redeemable, within a given deadline. If not redeemed, 80% of the proceeds will be allocated to Antarctic research. While the remaining 20% is allocated to operating the Exchange Office.

The observe features illustrations of King Penguins. a relative of the larger Emperor Penguin. King Penguins are monogamous, breading on subarctic islands along the South Atlantic. The penguin pair toward the center-right, are depicted during a courtship ritual.
Toward the upper-right observe is the note's header. Nearby on the upper-right corner is a vertical "One Dollar", listing the note's value. This same text is mirrored diagonally, on the lower-right. Opposite of each of these are number "1"s, reinforcing the note's value.
Along the bottom of the observe is the note's serial number, it reads "A 20640". In addition to the signature of D. J. Hamilton, the Exchange Office Comptroller. The note's "December 1, 2015" print date and simple "King Penguin" label. Subtlety hidden at the lower-left corner.
The observe uses a number of embellishments, such as a "Southern Cross" as the upper center. Toward the far left, is a transparent window in the shape of a 7-ponted star. While along the note's right is a transparent compass. Below the compass are windows repeating "Antarctica" and "One Dollar".

The reverse depicts a group of marching King Penguins. Notably the observe image can be seen merging into the reverse. This transparency issue is less notice able on the 2020 Series notes, which used a bolder color scheme. Thus artificially making the polymer less transparent.
For the most part, with the exception of the reverse art. The reverse mostly mirrors the observe, with some subtle changes. The vertical references to 'One Dollar" have been omitted. As has the print date and D. J. Hamilton's signature.
Antarctic Dollar Gallery
(Gallery features various Antarctic Dollar notes, digitally overprinted)
Additional Notes
This note's dimensions are 180 x 60 mm or 7.09 x 3.15 in, larger than a US Dollar.
It's preferable to use large protective sleeves, when preserving this note.
As of present (Jan 2022), the Antarctica Overseas Exchange website is inactive.
Antarctic note's are redeemed by returning them to a provided PO Box, along with an email.
Directly purchasing an Antarctica Dollar is considered a donation to the Exchange Office.