This early post-Soviet Lithuanian banknote represents the 8th denomination of the First Talonas (1991). The term "talonas" is the Lithuanian word for coupon. As Lithuania initially intended to used them as temporary coupon currency, similar to the Georgian Kuponi. Until a long-term national currency could be introduced. (SEE: A Brief History of the Talonas)
During their brief circulation they were occasionally called "zoologijos sodo bilietai" or "Zoo Tickets". As the majority of Talonas notes featured the wildlife of Lithuania. With the exception of the smaller First Talonas denominations, which resemble actual coupons. This particular banknote features a Eurasian Lynx.

The observe depicts a male Eurasian Lynx. This species is common throughout most of the former Soviet Union. Despite this detailed illustration the observe is relatively simple. Featuring a mix of waving blue, gray, and red lines. The note's twenty five Talonas value is represented by a number "25", on the lower left and right corners.
Notably the observe can be divided into 2 section, with varying underprint. The first section covering the roughly the first 5th of the observe. Featuring 8 bundles of up-ward waving gray lines, with 6 lines each. These lines form part of the pattern on the observe's second section. Completing this first section is a single number "25" and a vertical serial number "CX No 507988".
The second section, features the Eurasian Lynx illustration. This section features 3 types of line, in red blue, and gray color schemes. The red lines are waving and vertical, massed into 2 tapered bundles. The gray lines wave to the right, extending from the first section. While the blue lines oppose them, waving to the left.
Although these blue lines can be somewhat difficult to identify, due to the similar color scheme. With the beforementioned gray lines of the first section. Notably the Eurasian Lynx is superimposed on a separate/final print.

The reverse features the note's "25" Talonas value overlaid, on European Spruce branches. They are common throughout Northern, Eastern and Central Europe. Spanning toward the the Ural Mountains, where they are replaced by the similar Siberian Spruce. Notably European Spruce is one of the most common types of Christmas tree in the world.
Similar to the observe, the reverse features a multi-layer print with overlapping light blue, light red, and black lines. The pattern appears to be left-ward waving blue lines, followed by right-ward red lines and finally vertical waving black lines. Which are printed above the fir branches and text, although beneath the large number "25".
Notably the beforementioned number "25" features light blue lines on its surface. Additionally the section features a sets of text. The upper text reads "Republic Of Lithuania - Talonas", referring to the newly sovereign nation and currency. The lower text roughly translates to "Forgery is punishable by law".
The final section to the far right is relatively simple, featuring no underprint. At its top is the print date (1991), followed by the Coat of Arms of Lithuania, and number "25". Which simply symbolizes the notes before mentioned Twenty Five Talonas value.
The Eurasian Lynx
The Eurasian Lynx is native boreal and temperate forests Eurasia. The species widely distributed in Northern and Eastern Europe, extending toward Siberia, the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas. Lynx populations are often less common were Eurasian Wolf are present. Despite there vast numbers, conservation efforts have been made to counter recent habitat loss and poaching.
The average Lynx male weigh 21.6 kg (48 lb), while female Lynx weigh 18.1 kg (40 lb). Notably male Lynx from Siberia are quite large weigh up to 38 kg (84 lb). With unverified reports of males weighing up to 45 kg (99 lb). Although lynx from the Carpathian Mountains can occasionally rival Siberian lynx in size.
In regards to overall size, adult lynx range from 80 to 130 cm (31 to 51 in) in length and stand 60–75 cm (24–30 in) at the shoulder. Their iconic "bobbed" tail averages from 11 to 24.5 cm (4.3 to 9.6 in) long. This short tail ends in a tuff of black fur, which matches those of their ears.
Lynx feature crème white fur along their underside, Although their overall fur color can vary depending on their location. Their fur is relative short, ranging from a brown to reddish color. Notably Lynx from southern regions with often feature brighter shaded fur. These southern populations also tend to feature black spotted. Although this feature is an individual, rather than regional attribute.
In winter this fur is replaced by a much thicker silky coat, that varies from silver-grey to greyish brown. To allow better movement during winter, Lynx have adapted large webbed paws. These paws act like snowshoes, as well aiding in climbing trees.
Despite having relatively long powerful legs, Lynx have a tendency to "crouch walk". Giving them the appearance of having much shorter legs. Although non-alerted Lynx will usually walk in a higher stance. Lynx living mountainous and rocky terrain will often feature stronger stockier legs.
Despite being solitary animals, Lynx will gather during mating season. Lynx mating season spans from January to April. Female lynx construct hidden dens, usually protected by branches and overhanging tree roots. The den floor is lined with dried grass to provide bedding for the kittens. Lynx kittens are usually born after 67 to 74 days.
The average Lynx litter is 2 kittens, although litters large then 3 are rare. At birth, Eurasian lynx kittens weigh between 240 to 430 g (8.5 to 15.2 oz). The kittens are born with grayish-brown fur and open their eyes at ten to twelve days old.
At 6 to 7 weeks, the kittens begin eating solid food and leaving the den. Despite this the kittens are not fully weened until 5 to 6 months. At 11 weeks, the kittens gain their adult fur color, which features distinctive black tail and ear tuffs. This period determines whether or not the kitten will feature heavily spotted and striped fur.
By 2 to 3 months the kittens travel with their mother, moving out of the den. The group will move to larger dens, till the kittens become independent at 10 months. Despite this the kittens won't become full adults, until sometime between 2 and 3 years. After which they can continue into another generation of Lynx.

A Brief History of the Talonas

The Talonas currency was divided into 2 series, the First (1991) and Second (1992-93). The First Talonas series of banknotes were introduced as a temporary currency. During independent Lithuania's efforts to disassociate itself from the Soviet Ruble and the Soviet Union (1922-1991). As dependency on the hyperinflated Soviet Ruble, made pricing for everyday goods and services difficult.
The First Talonas was 5 August 1991, under the orders of Prime Minster Gediminas Vagnorius (1957-20xx). The system was unorthodox, Lithuanian salaries were paid in Soviet Rubles. While 20% of the salary was paid in First Talonas, up to 200 Talonas. Notably these banknotes lacked an officially named subdivision, instead using a simple decimal value.
In theory, Talonas banknotes were equally valued to the former Soviet Ruble. Purchases involving Talonas were equally unorthodox, as they had to be double paid. An item's or service's posted price had to be paid in an equal amount of Soviet Rubles and First Talonas. Although due to salary payments in 20% First Talonas, met equal Ruble-Talonas payments were impractical.
This was due to design, as it would force consumers to retain 80% their salary in savings. It forced the prices of expensive goods to drop, due lack of consumers. As consumers would require multiple pay-cycles to acquire enough Talonas for these purchases. Although due to new Russian monetary restrictions and delays in adopting a new long-term currency. The inflationary problem was not confronted as originally intended.
The Second Talonas was introduced on 1 May 1992, as a second temporary solution. As inflation was greater in post-Soviet Russia, than in Lithuania. The Second Talonas was introduced as a true parallel currency, unlike the First Talonas. Thus allowing the Lithuanian government to counter some effects of hyperinflation.
To the degree the Ruble was outright abandoned, in 1 October 1992. Allowing the Talonas to become the sole currency of Lithuania. On 25 June 1993, the Talonas was replaced by the Litas, at a rate of 100 Talonas to 1 Litas. Which in turn was replaced by the Euro, on 1 January 2015.
First Talons "Coupon" Gallery
(Gallery contains all sub-denomination First Talonas banknotes)
First Talons "Zoo Tickets" Gallery
(Gallery contains all full denomination First Talonas banknotes)
Additional Notes
This note's dimensions are 120 x 75mm or 4.72 x 2.95 in, shorter and thicker than a US Dollar.
The Litas was replaced by the Euro, at a rate of 3.4528 Litas to 1 Euro.
No coins were minted for either the First or Second Talonas currency.
Eurasian Lynx are divided into 6 separate regional sub-species. Which includes the Northern, Central Asian (Himalayan/Tibetan), Caucasian, Siberian, Balkan, and Carpathian Lynx.
The note depicts the Northern Lynx, the most common Eurasian sub-species.
Notably Lynx will actively avoid loose snow, which they find difficult to walk on.
Eurasian Lynx can't navigate areas with snow deeper than 100 cm (39 in).
Lynx have been occasionally observed purring like domestic cats.
The distantly related Iberian Lynx features large beardlike tuffs.
The oldest Eurasian Lynx have lived up to 21 years in captivity.
Photo Credits
All non-currency related photos are provided by Wikimedia, support Copyleft License.
Support the free exchange of photos and other digital intellectual media.
This article's female Lynx photo is attributed to Wikimedia user Roberta F.
This article's Lynx Kitten photo is attributed to Bernard Landgraf.
The Landgraf's Lynx photo was selected Wikimedia Picture of the Day 8 January 2007.
This article's male Lynx photo is attributed to Wikimedia user Mpiet.