Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Overprinted Notes Of The Bosnian War, The Bridge: 50,000 Dinara (Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1993)-Article
Notes Of The Reformed Dinar, The Bridge On The Drina: 5000 Dinara (Yugoslavia, 1992)- Article
Searching For Recognition, Notes Of A Disputed Land: 10 Dram (Nagoro-Karabakh, 2004)-Reference
Notes Of The Bosnian War, The Bridge: 1000 Dinara (Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992)-Article
Notes Of The Bosnian War, The Bridge: 10 Dinara (Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992)-Article
Moving Forward, The People's Republic of Albania: 5 Leke (Albania, 1976)-Reference
Notes Of The Convertible Dinar, The Bridge: 5000 Dinara (Yugoslavia, 1991)-Article Variant
Notes Of The Bosnian War, The Bridge: 50 Dinara (Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992)-Article
Crusader Sea Castle: 25 Livre (Lebanon, 1983)-Reference
Repository Of Levantine Treasure: 5 Livre (Lebanon, 1986)-Reference
The Three Pools That Mirror the Moon: 1 Yuan (China, 1999)-Article