Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Notes Of The Ashoka Lion, The Dhow: 10 Rupees (India, 1985)-Reference
The City Of Shibam Hadramawt: 50 Riel (Yemen, 1993)-Reference
The Jade Emperor, World Leaders Hell Notes: 1 Million Yuan (China, Unknown)-Reference
The Last King Of Egypt: 5 Mallīm (Egypt, 1362/1943)-Reference
The Great Pyramids Of Giza: 5 Piastres (Egypt, 1404/1984)-Reference
Coin Of The Winter War: 25 Penniä (Finland, 1939)-Reference
Small Coins Of The Soviet Union: 1 Kopeck (Soviet Union, 1973)-Article
A Woman Of Two Empires, Then None: 1000 Kronen (Austria,1902/1919)-Reference
The Sacred Head Of Lokecvara: 1000 Riel (Cambodia, 1973)-Reference
Coins Of The Kaiserreich: 10 Pfennig (Imperial Germany, 1876)-Article
Penguin Nation, Len Hill And His Bird Sanctuary: 20 Pound (Jason Islands, 1979)-Article
Juana de Padilla, A Once Forgotten Revolutionary: 1,000 Bolivianos (Bolivia, 1982)-Reference
The Venezuelan Declaration of Independence: 1,000 Bolivars (Venezuela, 1998)-Reference
Gaddafi And The Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: 1 Dinar (Libya, 2004)-Reference
The Fortress Of Murzuq: 1/4 Dinar (Libya, 1991)-Reference
Notes Of The Second Guinean Franc, Banana Harvest: 100 Francs (Guinea, 1998)-Reference
Notes Of The Fish Eagle, Plants And Animals Of Zambia: 500 Kwacha (Zambia, 2011)-Reference
Banknotes Of The Soviet Union: 1 Ruble (Soviet Union, 1961)-Reference
Japanese Notes Of The Inter-War Period: 10 Sen (Imperial Japan, 1921)-Reference
Transition To Neoliberalism, Brazilian Hyperinflation: 5,000 Cruzeiros (Brazil, 1990)-Reference