Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Coins Of The USA, Buffalo Nickel: 5 Cents (United States of America, 1936)-Article
Notes Of The West African Franc, The Manantali Dam: 500 Francs (Senegal, 2002)-Reference
Notes Of The Second Guinean Franc, Banana Harvest: 100 Francs (Guinea, 1998)-Reference
The Giant Water Lilies Of the Amazon: 5 Cruzeiros (Brazil, 1961)-Article
Marshal Cândido Rondon, Amazonian Explorer: 1000 Cruzeiros (Brazil, 1991)-Article
Chico Té And An Immoral Past: 500 Pesos (Guinea Bissau, 1990)-Article
Congo Reborn, Notes Of The Second Franc #3:10 Centimes (Democratic Republic of Congo,1997)-Reference
Life On The Cook Islands, The Northern Group: 50 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
Béhanzin, Ruler Of Dahomey: 25 Sylis (Guinea, 1971)-Reference
The Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II: 50 Sol De Oro (Peru, 1977)-Reference
Fiji Dollar, Coins From The Island Colony: 1 Dollar (Fiji 1969)-Article
Small Notes Of The Great Rift Republic #2: 20 Francs (Burundi, 2007)-Article
Life On The Cook Islands, Rarotonga: 10 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
Fear, Hunger, And Despair; The Effects Of War: 5000 Meticais (Mozambique, 1989)-Reference
Pachacuti's Fortress: 5 Sol De Oro (Peru, 1974)-Reference
Warriors Of The Great Lakes: 1,000 Francs (Rwanda, 1988)-Reference
Zebras Of The Virunga: 100 Francs (Rwanda, 1989)-Reference
The Great Educator: 10 Naira (Nigeria, 2013)-Article
Aguilas! The Harpy Eagles of the Canaima 2: 2000 Bolívar Fuerte (Venezuela, 2016)-Article
The Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II: 500 Intis (Peru, 1987)-Reference