Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, Great Zimbabwe: 50 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1994)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, Victoria Falls: 20 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1997)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, The Chilojo Cliffs: 10 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1997)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, The Nyanga Mountains: 5 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1997)-Article
The Giant Water Lilies Of the Amazon: 5 Cruzeiros (Brazil, 1961)-Article
General Estrada And The Sacuanjoche: 100 Córdoba (Nicaragua, 1985)-Article
Augusto Ruschi, A Life-Long Naturalist: 500 Cruzeiros (Brazil, 1990)-Article Variant
The Sumatran Flower Of Death: 500 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1979)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 100 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
The Last King Of Scotland: 5 Shillings (Uganda,1977)-Reference
State-Funded Banana Welfare: 10 Gulden (Suriname, 1996)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 10 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 5 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
Lithuanian Wildlife, The Eurasian Wolf: 500 Talonas (Lithuania, 1993)-Article
Notes Of The Convertible Dinara, The Boy: 50 Dinara (Yugoslavia, 1990)-Article
Life On The Cook Islands, Rarotonga: 10 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
“Alegoria”, The Beautiful Work Of Aleardo Villa: 5 Colones (Costa Rica, 1986)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 25 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
Lithuanian Wildlife, Eurasian Lapwing: 1 Talonas (Lithuania, 1992)-Article
Alumina Mining, Suriname's Blessing And Curse: 100 Gulden (Suriname, 1998)-Article