Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, Hwange Power Station: 500 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1994)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, Kariba Dam: 100 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1994)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, Great Zimbabwe: 50 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1994)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, Victoria Falls: 20 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1997)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, The Chilojo Cliffs: 10 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1997)-Article
Notes Of The Chiremba Rocks, The Nyanga Mountains: 5 Dollars (Zimbabwe, 1997)-Article
Life On The Cook Islands, The Northern Group: 50 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
Life On The Cook Islands, Rarotonga: 10 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
Japanese Invasion Notes, Philippines: 100 Pesos (Imperial Japan, 1944)-Reference
Life On The Cook Islands, Ngaputoru And Mangaia: 20 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
The Tale of ‘Ina-moe-Aitu: 3 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
Conquering Hunger in the Caribbean: 1 Dollar (Trinidad and Tobago, 1979)-Article