Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Offerings To The Ancestors, The Wuyi Mountains: 20 Yuan (China, 2006)-Article
Iraq And The Sun Of Hammurabi: 1 Fils (Iraq, 1959)-Article
The Bracelet Money Of West Africa, Nkobnkob (Southern Nigeria, 1560-1700)-Article
Fiji Penny, Coins From The Island Colony #3: 1 Penny (Fiji, 1942)-Article
The Bracelet Money Of West Africa, Onoudu (Cameroon, 1701-1800)-Article
Conquering Hunger In Africa: 5 Shilling (Uganda 1968)-Article
The Bracelet Money Of West Africa, Okpoho (Southern Nigeria, 1801-1948)-Article
Fiji Dollar, Coins From The Island Colony: 1 Dollar (Fiji 1969)-Article
Belarussian Wildlife, Eurasian Beaver: 3 Rubles (Belarus, 1992)-Article
State-Funded Banana Welfare: 10 Gulden (Suriname, 1996)-Article
The Hound Of Éire: 6 Pence (Ireland, 1942)-Article
Belarussian Wildlife, European Hare: 1 Rubles (Belarus, 1992)-Article
The Hare Of Éire: 3 Pence (Ireland, 1942)-Article
The Mad Bird Of Éire: 1/2 Penny (Ireland, 1982)-Article
The Sow Of Éire: Half Pence (Ireland, 1965)-Article
The Bull Of Éire: 1 Shilling (Ireland, 1959)-Article
Coins Of Emperor Wang Mang: 1 Cash Huò Quán (Xin Dynasty, 14-23 CE)-Article
Borjgali, Notes From The Flow Of Time 8: 150000 Kuponi (Georgia, 1994)-Article
Coins Of The Tokugawa Shogunate: Tenpō Tsūhō (Edo Japan, 1835-1870)-Article
Medb, The Warrior Queen Of Connacht: 1 Pound (Ireland, 1989)-Article