Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Borrowed Money, Loan Notes Of The Great War: 5 Marks (Imperial Germany, 1917)-Article
Emergency Coins Of Imperial Germany: 10 Pfennig (City of Coblenz, 1918)-Article
Emergency Coins Of Imperial Germany: 50 Pfennig (Imperial Germany, Unknown)-Article
From The Ashes, German Loan Currency: 2 Mark (Weimar Republic, 1920)-Article/ Variant
Early Notes Of Independent Georgia: 100 Kuponi (Georgia, 1993)-Article
Early Notes Of Independent Georgia: 50 Kuponi (Georgia, 1993)-Article
Early Notes Of Independent Georgia: 5 Kuponi (Georgia, 1993)-Article
Early Notes Of Independent Georgia: 3 Kuponi (Georgia, 1993)-Article
Early Notes Of Independent Georgia: 1 Kuponi (Georgia, 1993)-Article
Lithuanian Wildlife, Eurasian Lynx: 25 Talonas (Lithuania, 1991)-Article
Penguin Nation, Len Hill And His Bird Sanctuary: 1 Pound (Jason Islands, 1979)-Article
Lithuanian Wildlife, Roe Deer: 200 Talonas (Lithuania, 1992)-Article
The Jade Emperor, World Leaders Hell Notes: 1 Million Yuan (China, Unknown)-Reference
Ho Chi Mihn, World Leaders Hell Notes: 1 Million Yuan(China, Unknown)-Article
Notes Of The Republika Srpska: 10 Dinara (Republic Of Srpska, 1992)-Article
A Woman Of Two Empires, Then None: 1000 Kronen (Austria,1902/1919)-Reference
From The Ashes, German Loan Currency: 1 Mark (Weimar Republic, 1920)-Article
Transition To Neoliberalism, Brazilian Hyperinflation: 5,000 Cruzeiros (Brazil, 1990)-Reference
"El Danto", Comandante German Pomares Redux: 20,000 Córdobas (Nicaragua, 1987)-Article Variant
Rubén Darío, Father Of Modernismo Redux: 100,000 Córdoba (Nicaragua, 1987)-Article Variant