Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Qādisiyyat Ṣaddām, Saddam And The Iraq-Iran War: 25 Dinar (Iraq, 1406/1986)-Reference
Fear, Hunger, And Despair; The Effects Of War: 5000 Meticais (Mozambique, 1989)-Reference
Anthony Nesty, An Afro-Caribbean Inspiration: 25 Gulden (Suriname, 1996)-Article
From Paramaribo To The Stalag, The Story Of Anton De Kom: 25 Gulden (Suriname, 1988)-Reference
Birdwatching, The Green-Throated Mango: 10 Gulden (Suriname, 2000)-Reference
Birdwatching, The Red-Necked Woodpecker: 5 Gulden (Suriname, 2000)-Reference
Birdwatching, Beauties Of The Amazon: 2 1/2 Gulden (Suriname, 1985)-Reference
Aguinaldo, Father Of The Philippine Nation: 5 Piso (Philippines, 1985)-Reference
Tonlé Sap, The Great Lake Of Indochina: 50 Riels (Cambodia, 1974)-Article
Nation In Conflict, Notes Of The Nigerian Civil War: 1 Pound (Nigeria,1967)-Reference
The Tiger Mosaic Of Sher-Dor: 200 So'm (Uzbekistan, 1997)-Article
Money From The Movies, Film Prop Dollars 4: 100 Dollars (Motion Picture Money)-Reference
Money From The Movies, Film Prop Dollars #3: 50 Dollars (Motion Picture Money)-Reference
Money From The Movies, Film Prop Dollars #2: 20 Dollars (Motion Picture Money)-Reference
Money From The Movies, Film Prop Dollars #1: 10 Dollars (Motion Picture Money, 2016)-Reference
Ethnicities Of The People's Republic 4: 1 Yuan (China, 1996)-Reference
Ethnicities Of The People's Republic 3: 5 Jiao (China, 1980)-Reference
Ethnicities Of The People's Republic 1: 1 Jiao (China, 1980)-Article
The Notes Of Juche: 5000 Won (North Korea, Juche 102/2013)-Reference
The Notes Of Juche 2: 2000 Won (North Korea, Juche 97/2008)-Reference