Smithwick Numismatics
Explore The World
With our extensive list of world coins and banknotes. Our articles showcase the story of each piece. Focusing on the unique people, artifacts, and wildlife they feature. As one can not fully appreciate a banknote without knowing its story.
Fiji Florin, Coins From The Island Colony : 1 Florin (Fiji, 1934)-Article
Harvest Of The Indian Ocean: 1,000 Francs (Madagascar, 1994)-Reference
Japanese Notes Of The Inter-War Period: 10 Sen (Imperial Japan, 1921)-Reference
General Louverture, Father Of Haiti: 1 Gourde (Haiti, 1989)-Reference
Life On The Cook Islands, The Northern Group: 50 Dollars (Cook Islands, 1992)-Reference
Sisingamangaraja XII, The Last Priest-King: 1000 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1987)-Reference
The Sumatran Flower Of Death: 500 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1979)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 100 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
Fiji Three Pence, Coins From The Island Colony: 3 Pence (Fiji 1952)-Article
Ninomiya Sontoku, The Philosopher Economist: 1 Yen (Japan, 1946)-Reference
Fiji Penny, Coins From The Island Colony #3: 1 Penny (Fiji, 1942)-Article
Fiji Dollar, Coins From The Island Colony: 1 Dollar (Fiji 1969)-Article
Coins Of The Tokugawa Shogunate: Tenpō Tsūhō (Edo Japan, 1835-1870)-Article
Medb, The Warrior Queen Of Connacht: 1 Pound (Ireland, 1989)-Article
Penguin Nation, Len Hill And His Bird Sanctuary: 50 Pence (Jason Islands, 1979)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 10 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
Flowers And Birds Of Indonesia: 5 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1959)-Article
Native Crafts Of The Indonesian People #4: 100 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1964)-Reference
Coins Of The Sickly Emperor #2: 50 Sen (Imperial Japan, 1922)-Article
Native Crafts Of The Indonesian People #5: 100 Rupiah (Indonesia, 1958)-Reference